FAST TV is a vibrant satellite TV station situated in obuasi adansi. for the past two years now the media has been working tirelessly to supply the need  of the people from the media through reporting responsibly, promoting of local content, serving us an agent of solution and be coming the voice of the voiceless
. early this year as part the plan to serve the people of Ghana especially the obuasi and its environs Fast TV program management introduce a morning show structured to address the concerns of the citizens of obuasi  and other trending issues captioned AKOKO ABON as a  Fast TV morning show .
hosted by Pastor Philemon Opong and the technical crew as follow, Maame Yaa Intriwaa as a host for segment 2- wonsonm wonsom, Afia T. Asare as  a producer, Mama Adade as the host of the segment 1 Afutupa, Nyame ba as production personnel, sky walker as a vtr/mcr Technicial 
